(Where We Worship)
We believe that Christians may worship anywhere, for all space has been hallowed by God. The life of Jesus Christ reflects the covenant community’s understanding of places for worship. Jesus regularly worshiped in synagogues and in the Temple, in the wilderness and on the hillsides of Galilee.
The early Christians worshiped in the Temple, in synagogues, in homes, in catacombs, and in prisons. They worshiped in various places because God was not confined to any one place. God was present in the risen Christ wherever the Christian community gathered. God was present among them wherever the Word of God was proclaimed and wherever they broke bread together in Christ’s name.
Eventually, the Christian community began to set aside special places for gathering in the presence of Jesus Christ. These places were special, not because they were inherently holy, but because the Christian community regularly assembled there in Christ’s name.
To this day, when Christians gather, it is not the particular place, but the presence of Christ in the midst of the community which marks that place as a place of worship. The sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Kentucky, is just such a place.
Our sanctuary has been specifically designed to facilitate accessibility and ease of gathering for our worshiping community. It has been fashioned to promote a sense of community and to engender a sense of reverence before God. Our sanctuary includes a central pulpit for the reading of Scripture and the preaching of the Word. It also provides for the celebration of the Sacraments, with a font for Baptism and a table suitable for the people’s celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The arrangement of the worship space at First Presbyterian Church visibly expresses the integral relationship between the Word and Sacraments and their centrality in the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To learn more about our sanctuary at First Presbyterian Church, click on the particular topic below.